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Maintaining Proper Hygiene in Senior Adults


Hygiene plays a significant role in the wellness of seniors. When they are clean and well groomed, they feel fresh and confident. They will have no hesitations and no insecurities about the way they look, smell. They will present themselves confidently when trying to mingle with others.

Companion and Sitter Services providers can create routines for the elderly to independently take care of their personal hygiene or request the assistance of the care caregiver.

Of course, Personal Care is not the only thing that’s essential for the elderly. Their home should always be clean, neat, tidy, and safe.

Here are some ways on how to maintain clean environment for seniors:

Bathing and changing clothes regularly.
Handwashing with soap and clean water before and after eating, after touching surfaces, and doing activities.
Hand rubbing with alcohol-based sanitizer when water is inaccessible outdoors.
Do light housekeeping with or without Home Care Assistance in Snellville, Georgia.
Disinfecting the house as needed.

These Home Care measures can help minimize bacteria and viruses and prevent the seniors from becoming sick. We know that illnesses are unpredictable nowadays however safety against lurking diseases starts at home.

Inspire To Serve LLC is here to help you in keeping your seniors happy and healthy. With our compassionate Personal Care Assistance in Georgia, you can guarantee that your elderly loved ones will be safe, comfortable, and will remain in their best health. We aim to assist them while maintaining their independence.

For inquiries about our services, call us at 770-217-0991.

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caregiver assisting her senior patient